Tree Planting With Tree-Nation
For every yoga mat sold, we plant a tree on your behalf. Well, actually you plant your own; you’ll receive a web link after purchase so you that you can plant your tree (without getting your hands dirty) and learn more about the species you’ve planted, why it’s needed, which one of our chosen projects you’ve contributed to and exactly where your tree is located - pretty cool right!

Why Plant Trees?
As a brand who puts sustainability at the heart of our decision making, we chose to manufacture our mats using natural tree rubber not only because of its grippy quality, but because we don’t want to use PVC in our products. Natural tree rubber is one of the best performing materials for yoga mats that is kind to both body and planet. We have a deep appreciation for all of the incredible things that trees can do for us - which is why planting more in the world is a natural decision for us. We also know that as an online retailer, operating our business has an impact on the planet - right down to shipping your mat to you. That’s why we’ve committed to planting a tree for every single mat sold, along with our commitment to continually making our operations kinder to the planet with continued education and innovation.
We’ve also committed to planting additional trees to offset the CO2 created by the running of our small business. As we grow, the amount of trees we plant will too.
CO2 emissions hugely contribute to climate change. Trees have a critical job to balance oxygen & CO2 levels. With deforestation across the world more CO2 is released into the atmosphere causing devastating effects on our planet. Rising temperatures contribute to rising sea levels, with warmer ocean temperatures threatening wildlife & leading to extinction.
We accept our responsibility to work towards offsetting our emissions and fighting climate change.

More About Tree-Nation
Tree-Nation’s mission is to fight Climate Change and Deforestation. They facilitate tree planting projects globally, although their main focus is on the tropic region. Trees in this region grow much faster so they capture CO2 faster. This is also where heavy deforestation is happening and also where 85% of our terrestrial biodiversity is threatened, with many species on the brink of extinction. You can view some of the projects your purchases have contributed to here
They have made the experience of planting a tree super easy and fun so that more and more people join the cause to reforest the world. After virtually planting your tree, you are able to find all the information regarding the real tree: the species details, its location and a link to the tree certificate.
Projects Involved:
We've highlight a few of the projects we're currently supporting below.
Eden Projects, Madagascar

The Madagascar Eden Reforestation Projects was set up in response to the large-scale loss of mangroves and upland forests in the region. The program began in 2007 and since its inception Eden Projects Madagascar has successfully planted over 16 million mangrove and dry deciduous trees in northwest Madagascar.
Impacts and Benefits
The destruction of healthy forest systems causes a combination of different issues. Trees provide a habitat for animals, purify water sources, control flooding and erosion and help to replenish the soil with nutrients needed for farming. When farmers can’t grow anything their farms fail and they have no option but to move to the overcrowded cities looking for work. Often they have to resort to selling themselves or their families into slavery just to survive.
Tree Nation begin the project by hiring the local villagers to plant trees.
This gives them the income so they can provide for their families again. As the reforestation effort goes on, healthy forests begin to emerge and all the negative effects of deforestation begin to disappear.
Madagascar is a nation with over 200,000 species of plants and animals that don’t exist anywhere else in the world. But more than 90% of Madagascar’s original forests have been destroyed, displacing entire animal species and taking away the Malagasy’s ability to farm and live on the land. Entire mangrove estuaries are gone, leaving the bare earth to wash away into the sea.
Project History
Deforestation has long been an issue for Madagascar as it is one of the world's top biodiversity conservation priorities because of its high concentration of endemic species and extreme rates of habitat loss. In the coastal zone, mangrove deforestation results in destabilizing the coastline and increasing the vulnerability of coastal communities to storms and other weather events that are becoming more frequent and intense as a result of human-induced climate change. In upland dry deciduous forests deforestation threatens one of the most rare and diverse forest systems in the world.
In response to the large-scale loss of mangroves and upland forests in Madagascar Eden Reforestation Projects initiated the Madagascar Reforestation Project. The program began in 2007 and since its inception Eden has successfully planted over 16 million mangrove and dry deciduous trees in northwest Madagascar.
The program operates by working collaboratively with many different communities with full support from national, local and tribal governments to reforest large areas of mangroves and dry deciduous forest along the coast and inland areas. Eden’s local staff provides training and financial support to the local community to collect mangrove propagules, develop nurseries, and strategically plant millions of mangrove trees in coastal marsh systems and upland dry deciduous forests that have been heavily degraded or deforested.
Bore, Kenya

Since its inception in 2007 as part of the Treeflights air travel carbon offset scheme, this project has grown into a unique community forestry initiative that aims to help the people of Bore in Kenyas Coastal Province find sustainable ways to conserve their existing tropical forest. 300 participating members are organised into a co-operative that work together to plant the trees and implement other associated development projects. A 15 member management committee coordinates all aspects of local project development and ensures that all sectors of the community are fully engaged and that decision making is democratic.
In recent years the scope of the scheme has widened beyond trees to include education, womens rights and the development of alternative livelihoods.
The project has an annual target plant of 50,000 trees of 6 species. All of which reduce deforestation and benefit the entire, 5000 strong community in a variety of other ways.
Usambara Biodiversity Conservation, Tanzania

The Eastern Arc Mountains are a global biodiversity hot spot, and this biodiversity must be maintained. Tree nursery projects to reforest lands in the Usambara Mountains African Rainforest are an excellent way to achieve this imperative. Population growth puts further pressure on the Forest Nature Reserve as people need building materials, cooking fuel, and other tree products.
The project has the objective to enhance tree planting in and around villages adjacent to Nature Forest Reserve and the Jegestal water source. By assuring adequate tree availability to communities in the Usambara Mountains, we can avoid the unsustainable illegal use of the Reserves.
The project aims to create a future generation of environmental stewards sensitive to nature conservation and protection. The expected project outcomes will directly contribute to uplifting of the rural family health and economies due to availability of on farm fruits for food and sale.