5 Things To Remember Before You Head Back To Yoga Classes After Lockdown

Fitness and yoga classes have been one of the final things to reopen after the current U.K lockdown, which means for many of us, we haven’t practiced with others since the end of last year. Whether you’ve already booked onto your favourite classes, or you’re not ready to head back to the yoga studio yet, we’ve rounded up some important reminders as group fitness and yoga classes return. 

Go Easy On Yourself

If you’re feeling excited at the thought of returning to your favorite classes. Great! Embrace the excitement. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or nervous, that’s also perfectly ok too. We’ve been living under abnormal conditions for so long it’s important to take things at your own pace. Start slowly and ease yourself back in. 

Set Your Expectations

For many of us lockdown has meant less movement and interaction with others. It’s completely normal to feel anxious about your fitness levels or the idea of being in a group of people again - know that every other person, including the teacher and studio staff probably feel the same too. You are not alone.

Create a New Routine

As life changed, your practice may have too. Perhaps you swapped Power for Yin. Or maybe you’re craving something more powerful and dynamic than before. There’s no pressure to fall back into the same classes or schedule as you did pre-lockdown. Take the opportunity to create a new routine that works for you. Loved your teacher or studios online offering? Then continue to mix it up. Seek out what truly serves you. 

Honour Where You Are

If your practice hasn’t been as consistent in lockdown, you may have lost some strength and flexibility. That’s absolutely OK. Reminder: we’ve been living through a pandemic. And that’s been tough on everyone. Maybe some of the postures don’t feel as accessible as they once did - but that’s not important. Honour where you are in your practice right now. And know those things will come back in time.

Be Patient

Teachers and studio staff are returning for the first time after a long break too. Add to that the ever-changing rules or I.T and booking systems that haven’t been used in a while, there may well be some hiccups. Check the studio rules ahead of class so you can be prepared and arrive at the class with less stress. 



And most importantly, enjoy! Nobody cares what you’re wearing, how you look or if you can touch your toes. So drop the judgement on yourself and your practice and enjoy!