International Yoga Day 2021: Yoga Teachers Share Their Biggest Yoga Lessons
This International Yoga Day 2021 we asked some incredible yoga teachers and friends of Fable the biggest lessons they've learned from their yoga practice. We asked them each the same question 'what has yoga taught you?'
Here's what they had to say. Get ready for some serious motivation to practice.

Esther Marie, Yoga Teacher from London,
"The voice I have within matters more than anyone else’s. 2. There is so much strength in being able to be softer, gentler, kinder with yourself than you think - this practice has made me stronger inside than anything else 3. Practicing Non attachment and acceptance is hard but key to living a calmer, more peaceful, free life."
Esther specialises in mindfulness and stress reduction. You can find her at @esthermarieyoga

Sarah Leigh, yin yoga and meditation teacher,
"The more I practice the more I learn the power and benefits of slowing down, both physically and mentally. Gradually, I am learning to love my body for how it feels and what it can do. Exploring different styles of yoga has helped with this process, and while I will always get lost in dynamic flow, I have a new, deep respect for YIN. It's magic."
Sarah recently hosted a 5 day midweek mindful challenge on our IGTV, catch the replay here. Or find Sarah at @sarahleighyoga
Natasha Cornish Yoga, founder of Easy Tiger,
"My practice has taught me that neither me nor my life is supposed to be perfect. It’s taught me that the beauty of life is in the in between moments, in the falling and the rising."
Natasha recently opened the super cool Easy Tiger studio in central London. You can find Natasha at @Natashacornishyoga or her studio at @easytiger_ldn
Jo Hamilton, a coastal engineer and yoga teacher,
"My yoga practice has taught me that it’s ok to be vulnerable and it’s ok to be imperfect. It has also reinforced the importance of being present and breathing through every moment of my life."
You can find Jo at get ready for some serious beach envy where she shares lots of snippets of her practice from sunny Barbados
Lucy Sesto, a former gymnast, yoga teacher and Body Coach trainer,
"My yoga practice has taught me that being consistent with yourself and showing up every day no matter what is one of the biggest acts of self care. It doesn’t matter if your practice is 5mins of breathing in child’s pose or or 2hours of power yoga. Just the act of showing up for yourself without any judgement, listening to your breath and how your body feels is enough."
You can find Lucy at @sestoyoga where she shares yoga, meditations and snippets of her favourite vegan products. Head over to our IGTV for Lucy's 15 minute morning yoga flow.
Coco Fletcher, yoga teacher and owner of Willow London,
"That the greatest clarity comes from within. Often when I need to muddle through a million thoughts or worries or stresses, the best thing I can do for myself is to hit the mat. It grounds me, reminds me that ultimately it comes back to my body and my breath. That it all starts here. From there, I find I have a much clearer head to tackle my day/week/very long to-do list."
Coco is a yoga teacher, fertility wellness coacher and owner of dreamy yoga studio Willow London. You can find Coco at @coco.fletcher and @willow.ldn
Puravi Joshi, yoga teacher and founder of Mysa London,
"My yoga practice has taught me that anything is possible I just have to believe in myself trust the process and give myself time even if it means just laying on my mat"
You can find Puravi at @puravijoshi or her recently launched yoga deck brand at @mysalondon. You try Puravi's yin yoga class over on our YouTube channel.
Natalie Baker, founder of Fable yoga,
"Sometimes I step onto my mat and it feels light and playful. Other days it feels hard and frustrating. Like life every day is different - but neither is right or wrong. Yoga has taught me to meet myself exactly where I am without judgement. To resist the urge to try to control or force (be it a pose in a class or situation in life) to release resistance and welcome more ease, even in difficult situations."
We'd love to know what yoga has taught you.
Head over to the Fable instagram page to continue the conversation.